Sunday, June 16, 2024

Brawlers: Chapter 5

Emberwood tossed and turned. The sound of the rain pattering against her window usually lulled her right to sleep, but she had lain awake for hours thinking about the night she’d just had. Hearing the story of the epic fight at the Prancing Pony and meeting the two girls that had caused the whole thing; well, that was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her. Rhusty and Aubren were everything Emberwood wished she could be. Tough and independent, those two could do and say anything they wanted. I bet they don’t even have to do chores or mind their little sisters, she thought. And Rhusty had said they were friends now! Friends! They thought she was brave like them!

The rain outside gradually stopped, and a warm breeze pushed the last of the clouds across the now starry sky. Emberwood was lost in thought when she heard a distant rooster crow and realized it was nearly dawn. She suddenly had a plan. She knew her father would only keep the girls in their cell for one night, despite the brawl they had instigated the night before. As soon as they dried out, the Shirrif would give them a stern talking to and turn them out into the morning light. Emberwood thought that if she went to Bree when Rhusty and Aubren were released she could probably find them – maybe even talk to them again!

Suddenly she was filled with doubt. After all, the girls had been pretty drunk last night. Maybe they wouldn’t even remember her. Nervous now, she dressed quickly and made her way to the barn where her speckled pony, Broomstraw, waited for her. The morning was absolutely sparkling from the night’s rain, and as they crossed the Brandywine Bridge, Emberwood felt sure her new friends would remember her.


Emberwood found Rhusty and Aubren sitting together at the Boar Fountain heartily eating meat pies for breakfast. They were both laughing and gesturing wildly.  She caught bits and pieces of their lively conversation as she shyly approached.

  “...fookin minstrel plonker didn’t know what hit him...”

  “ that dainty bastard regrets grabbing your arm...”

  “...can’t fight for shit..”

Rhusty’s green eyes lit up when she saw Emberwood. “Emberwood Hayward! Come sit with us!” Rhusty gestured to the space next to her. Emberwood’s heart was pounding as she climbed up between them. Rhusty tore off a hunk of her pie and offered it to her. She noticed that every knuckle on Rhusty’s pale fingers was scraped and bruised. There was dried blood on her chin. Emberwood knew in that moment that she’d never meet a more amazing person in her life.

“So your da’ says we gotta clean up the Pony today.” Rhusty said, rolling her eyes.   “His exact words were 'complete disaster and a disgraceful waste of mead', so I reckon it’s gonna take awhile.”

“Worth it.” mumbled Aubren around a mouthful of pie crust.

Emberwood’s heart sank at this news. She didn’t want this glorious morning to end. Rhusty continued,” Whatcha doin tonight? Me and Aubren are going to the Forsaken Inn for supper since we’re pretty sure we won’t be welcome at the Pony anytime soon. You in?”

The Forsaken Inn! Emberwood had never been there in her life! Her eyes were wide as she breathlessly stammered, “I’m in.”

“Brilliant!” exclaimed Rhusty, as she and Aubren stood and brushed crumbs from their now disheveled and bloodstained dresses. “Meet us by the West Gate at sunset.”


Emberwood hurried excitedly back home to rush through her chores and get ready for the big night. It didn’t take long for her to realize that if her father found out who she was hanging around with and where they were going he’d probably skin her alive and throw her in a cell. She was going to have to disguise herself somehow. She suddenly remembered she had won a bear head mask at the Harvestmath Festival last year that would be perfect. She found it in the back of her wardrobe and pulled it over her head. She adjusted the mask around her eyes and turned to look in the glass. As she gazed at herself she thought, I’m going to have such adventures!

-By Pam

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